**Name:** Maria Giovanna Foresi

**Age:** 30

**Where do you live?** Castelfranco Veneto

**Student/working? Where? With what?** I’m working in a kindergarden and primary school (children 5-13 years old) in Castelfranco and in a village quite near. I’m working as didactic operator, with creative labs for kids intercultural, theatre labs

**What do you do at Buenaventura?** At the moment I am the curator with Mauro and Anna of next TEH exhibition of pictures. I used (in the past) to organize art expositions in Buenaventura, and other cultural events (concerts, theatre)

**When did you first get in contact with the Buenaventura and how?** Almost 5-5 and ½ years ago. I knew Francesco and some others of the 1st group (ARCHÉ). I helped in restoring the bar.After I was working in the bar  and than member of the board the last 2 years (2003-2004)

**A few line about your relationship to Buenaventura (what do you like/dislike)** it’s a place with really good energy, and it's really good in involving people, trying to make them thinking by themselves, with their minds.. It’s quite important on my point of view. Sometimes I am very critic with the place, I mean, I really would like something would change:  the way of decisions making in order to not waste energy, time and people.