58th TEH-meeting	Berlin		Nov 25- 28th 2004	**Culture & Sustainability**

[57th TEH-meeting]	Lund		May 5-8th 2004		**New Technology**

[56th TEH-meeting]	Birmingham				**Black Culture** 

55th TEH-meeting	Dublin		Feb 27 – March 1st 2003	**Arts Inquiery** – 
Where and how should a culture centre play a role in society?
Discussion about situation in Ireland and if it matters if you a have a steady house to stay in or if you should be mobile instead.

54th TEH-meeting	Bucharest	17-20th October 2002	**Theatre practice**
Different theatre producers, directors etc met an d discussed separately in workshops during the meeting.

53rd TEH-meeting	Lisbon		2-5th May 2002		**Presentation of vision**
We presented the vision and the idea of having a theme and prof development at every meeting.