
Ciao tutti,

complimenti dalla Annette Wolfsberger di circo The Junction a Cambridge!

This must be the best prepared meeting ever: who has ever renovated their
building just for a TEH-meeting? And the website is marvellous!! And the
communication/information has been really good as well!

Annette - The Junction Cambridge


Subject: Gracias y felicidades!

From:    "Juliette Beaume - Ateneu Pop. 9 Barris"

Date:    Mon, May 9, 2005 7:25 pm


Hello everybody,

Just a short mail to tell you that you organized a very, very nice
meeting. I really enjoid my time in Castelfranco and I wish all the best
for Buenaventura. I think you are a very good team, with beautiful ideals!
It was really a pleasure to know all those people.

Hope to see you soon. Love from Barcelona,


PS: I missed the first part of the Saturday conference about culture in
Italy. I don't know if you will have it on paper. If you do, please, send
it to me. It was very interesting.

Ateneu Popular 9 Barris

Portlligat 11-15

08042 Barcelona

93 353 95 16


---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------

Subject: From P60-Holland

From:    "Gerard Lohuis"

Date:    Tue, May 10, 2005 2:13 pm


Hello Emma and Francesco,

(and all the Bueanaventura volunteers),

Thanks for the wonderfull days in Castello Franco Veneto.
I am very curious what will be results of the discussions next weeks in

Take care, big hug,


P60 Venue for pop culture and media

P P.O. Box 111, 1180 AC Amstelveen-NL

A Stadsplein 100a, 1181 ZM Amstelveen-NL

T +31 20 3453445

F +31 20 3453446




---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------

Subject: Thanks

From:    "Bent B" 

Date:    Tue, May 10, 2005 11:28 am


Dear Emma - and all the other people in Buenventura

Thanks a lot for a fantastic meeting - hope you have relaxed a little and
are ready for the new challenges for your nice place...!!

All the best wishes from

Bent Blindbæk

HUSET - Vester Alle 15 - 8000 Aarhus C


------------------------- Messaggio originale ---------------------------

Oggetto: thank you again

Da:      "sigrid niemer" 

Data:    Mer, 11 Maggio 2005, 12:57 pm


Dear all of Buenaventura,
thank you again for your hospitality and the warm welcome you had for all
your guests and me. I really hope you and the rest of Buenaventura enjoyed
the meeting like I did. And of course that there will be some new and
fresh hints be left for the future discussion and development of your
"life" project. If you need anything from me, please, don't hesitate to
ask. And if there are opportunities for you to come to Berlin, maybe with
some of your friends, you will be very welcome in the ufaFabrik.

with warm regards

from Sigi

Sigrid Niemer

Internationales Kulturcentrum ufaFabrik Berlin e.V.

Viktoriastrasse 10 - 18 / D -12 105 Berlin

Tel. + 49 30 755 03 116 / fax - 117


I want to thank you again for the meeting and for getting in touch with 
you. These happy days I will never forget.

I am looking forward to hear the news about Buenaventure.

with the best wishes

Kulturzentrum Z-Bau

Frankenstraße 200

90461 Nürnberg

Tel: 0911-4395677

Fax: 0911-4395914

Willi Reichel



Subject: Grassie! 

From: alberto berton 

Date: Fri, 13 May 2005 00:51:57 +0200 


Caro Buenaventura

D'altrocanto (i venesiani!) esprime il suo giubilo!!! Il meeting è 
stata   un'esperienza grandiosa e parteciparvi è stato un gran regalo che ci 
avete   fatto. Insomma, siamo un pò commossi e felici perchè sono stati giorni 
intensi   e interessanti, in cui abbiamo conosciuto un sacco di gente in gamba 
ma soprattutto   abbiamo conosciuto meglio voi.

Prima ci piacevate, ora di più!

In questi giorni proveremo tra noi a condividere meglio gli spunti di 
questo   incontro. Poi ci piacerebbe passare una serata in vostra compagnia per 
allargare   le riflessioni.  intanto ci preme ringraziarvi per l'occasione che ci avete dato e 
farvi i  complimenti perchè l'organizzazione, il clima, ... che avete creato 
sono   stati.....perfetti!!!




---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------

Subject: Thousand thanks from Mejeriet!!!

From:    Petra Kuritzén 

Date:    Wed, May 11, 2005 4:08 pm


Ciao all wonderful Buena-people!!!

We would just like to give you thousand kisses and hugs and thank you  for
five wonderful days at Buenaventura. Everything was great and we  already
miss you all and the food, and the music, and the cosy sofas...

You know you are always welcome to visit us at Mejeriet!

Lots of love,

Petra, Alex, Ellen, Anna & Jens


Petra Kuritzén



Tel: +46 (0)46-211 13 74

Fax:  +46 (0)46-211 01 75


---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------

Subject: getting ready for Venice

From:    "Katarina Zivanovic" Cinema Rex - Belgrado

Date:    Sun, May 8, 2005 9:12 am


just wonted to thank you for a great meeting !!

see u soon !!!!


Oggetto: Re: [Teh.B] ciaoooooo

Data:    Ven, 13 Maggio 2005, 10:40 am

Ciao Giovanna,

thank YOOOUUU!!!

I am very happy to have met you!!

You all made us feel at home in Buenaventura!

Barbara and I went with Giancarlo Baggio on sunday to different
and houses and had very good talk and ideas with him. We will
working on it and give you some conclusions and ideas as soon as our
really has arrived in Berlin ( in our heads we are still in

Un abrazo fuerte

Andreas e Barbara - Ufafabrik - Berlin
