
 These interviews were conducted over a three day period, March 15,16,17,
2005, by Sandy Fitzgerald, with as many people as possible who were involved
with Buenaventura at this time, The aim of the interviews was to secure a
cross section of views that might assist the future planning, development,
and decision making currently underway at the Buenaventura. No names are
attached to any of the quotes as this was agreed with all the interviewees
in advance to allow for an open and frank discussion. The format is a simple
reporting of what people said, although they are divided into sections with
each section representing a single interview.

Person 1

 - Participation is important so people should be given the chance to get
involved in different aspects of the centre.
- The centre is certainly political but not party political. But then a
change in the definition of politics in general is needed. All our actions
are political. Buenaventura is a role model to change society.
- The centre is free space. The challenge is to change people¹s perception
of life.
- A lot of work has gone into organising conferences and meetings but these
haven¹t changed the attitude of people in Castlefranco.
- People should be paid for their work in Buenaventura because people should
have the possibility to earn their living where and at what they like. This
is the challenge for the future. But, at the same time, we must create a new
attitude to work. There must be a sense of ownership as well as earning a
wage. There is a bit of a division on this issue because the older people
think people shouldn¹t be paid and the newer ones think people should be
paid. Volunteers work has limits. Volunteers can not do certain things,
particularly at the bigger scale, because their time is limited. We need key
staff like a finance person and an organiser.
- The centre is some years old now and we don¹t all have the same
experiences. For instance, some people can speak together and a lot is
understood because there is a lot of history there but this is not the case
with everyone. There needs to be more of an exchange of information.
Everyone needs to have the same information so that we can build and manage
the centre together.
- We should communicate very clearly to the public why Buenaventura does
what it does.
- How decisions are made in Buenaventura is very difficult. We never vote on
anything except elections to the committee.
- Buenaventura is at a point where it has to decide to develop or not. This
is a big decision. I would like to see it develop but maintain the original
aim: a free place where everyone can experiment; a place where mistakes are
part of the learning process. But I would like to see Buenaventura
organising events outside in the community; to see it produce a newspaper;
to have a school; to have more space. And I would like it to have the
possibility of a communal life, a living space as well.
- I have to say it is hard to introduce change here at Buenaventura.

Person 2

 - At the beginning the Buenaventura was not a very open place but it is
becoming more and more so.
- The Buenaventura is not a very political place but I see this as a lack.
It is left wing but not very radical.
- The Buenaventura is unique in this area.
- Communication is a problem for the Buenaventura. It has very poor PR.
- I would hope for a bigger centre in the future where young people can meet
and create.
- The centre is very social. I come about twice a week and I always meet
someone I know or meet some new people. That¹s the best thing about the
Buenaventura because in this region young people have very few places to go.
Politicians and business people here are very narrow-minded. They just see
us as competition for their bars. They don¹t do anything for young people.

Person 3

 - Buenaventura creates a different opportunity for the region.
- This is a place where it is OK to change your mind and for changing minds!
- For the Buenaventura to survive it must create a better relationship with
the local administration.
- Francesco makes the decisions around here and sometimes I don¹t agree with
his ideas. They can be stuck in the past sometimes. But he does listen and
he is very clever the way he manages the place but we all need to change
- I would like to see a better venue in the new building.
- We must make this place something serious and important.
- We should stay away from political affairs.
- I have a confused opinion on pay verses volunteers.
- I would like to see us taking part in more European projects.
- The new centre could service lots of things ­ rooms to meet etc.
- There is lots of funding available from the EU but it¹s not used in this
- I would like the new centre to have accommodation.
- What I would like to see Buenaventura becoming is and open and leadership
centre for the region, with a European dimension.

Person 4

 - I think people should be paid for their work.
- This centre is very important for the area but for a lot of young people
who come here, this place is only a cheap bar and the cultural programme is
less important.
- I like the idea of shared accommodation in the new centre.
- We must involve more people.
- Lots of people volunteer but very few end up working here.
- There is bad communication in the centre.
- The centre should not be political.
- The centre should represent all members and not speak for everyone.
- I hope the centre will grow, involve more people, and that I will have an
involvement in that.

Person 5

 - When I came here at the beginning it was love at first sight. There is a
beautiful atmosphere here in the Buenaventura.
- Every time we have to make a decision, it is a fight because everyone¹s
opinion is taken on board.
- We have 4,000 associate members but some just come here to drink because
of the prices.
- It is very difficult to make decisions here and this is a time bomb.
Because of this I am a bit worried about the future.
- The new centre should also have a hostel for young people.
- We must be open to all people.
- I would like to see a cinema in the new centre.
- I would like to live communally in the new centre. I think that would be
very positive.
- We should not be political but we should be important in social meanings.
- I would like to see things a bit more organised.
- People who work in the bar here deserve to be paid.

Person 6

 - I come here nearly every day.
- I am happy enough with the way decision are made here but I would like to
see improvements. The Board make decisions but the Board need more time to
listen. Perhaps they need to meet more often.
- I like that this is a spontaneous place. I feel I can do whatever I want
to do here.
- I would like to see the centre become bigger with bigger events. Space is
presently a problem. We need a new building with the same kind of facilities
but on a better scale.
- I would like to see a venue that could hold 1,000 people for conferences
and theatre and music. I would also like to see the centre have a garden and
a library.
- On the issue of people getting paid, some people will definitely have to
be paid in the new centre. And if we don¹t pay we will lose people.
- But now, no one speaks of the new development. People are afraid of
- There is a contradiction with regard to responsibility and commitment.
- People are tired of being volunteers. People who work hard want a future
- I don¹t like the idea of living together.
- Francesco is seen as Mr Buenaventura!
- A new vision is important.

Person 7

 - I call the Buenaventura home.
- I would like a big new centre with accommodation. A place where we could
live and work.
- Francesco is a leader but he is not making the decisions.
- We have to pay people for them to work but I recognise that there is a
conflict with the volunteers. The answer might be that people work as
volunteers first, before taking on a more full time role that could be paid.
But you have to be a volunteer first.

Person 8

 - It is very important that the Buenaventura keeps existing.
- The present space is not very good.
- We really need to understand what it means to be paid and what it means to
be a volunteer but I don¹t know what is right for Buenaventura. But it is
certain that we need to be clear. For instance, the Red Cross are really
clear. They only have four rules but they are really clear rules. Unless we
do this in the Buenaventura the whole thing will collapse.
- Someone has to monitor the volunteers and the group must take
- It is important that we keep a strong core group during the new
development before bringing in new people.
- The new development will also change the relationship between people.
- We should look at developing the organisation in stages. Or else, if
everyone knows his or her role in the development, maybe it will work.
- We need to keep alternating roles so that people will grow.
- It is very important that Francesco is here.
- The inter-generational aspect of the centre is very important.
- The centre is too closed in the building and must move outside into the
- Sometime the organisation is too rigid, for instance on religious

Person 9

 - There is a really good energy in the Buenaventure but there is something
missing. The way to make decisions, the way to show and share our point of
view, both internally and externally, is not working very well.
- If you want to be part of the Buenaventura then you have to give a full
- I would like to see more links with the outside.
- The Buenaventura attracts a certain type of person, someone who can¹t fit
into society and are seeking a home.
- I would like a more open centre with a much wider involvement.
- With regard to decision making I think those who are here decide. At the
end of the day the Board and Francesco make the decisions. And, in a way,
the present situation is a way of not making decisions.
- For the future I would like to see a new place, bigger than the present
- People should be paid for their work in the new centre.
- I would also like to see residencies for artists in the new centre.
- I would like to see the centre open to all different ages, especially
- I would like to imagine something new, not just moving the old

Person 10

 - Out of 4,000 members, there are only about 30 people active. At the last
general assembly to elect a new committee there were only 30 members
- What I like about the centre is that it allowed me to express myself and
my interests. People who come here are very different than most people in
the region. I find like minded people here and a programme that fulfils my
- For the future I am not sure that a bigger place is the solution. It might
be better to have a smaller, more flexible, place. And I would not change
the mission but I would change the organisation.
- With regard to payment I think people should be paid for certain jobs. One
job in particular that needs dedicated work is publicity.
- When we began this project we thought that the town and the community
would support us more, but they didn¹t.
- I think one of our faults is that there are too many activities. Maybe we
should focus more. Decide on quality not quantity.

Person 11

 - The base of the organisation has to remain with the volunteers. But some
people should be paid for certain jobs. We need project money. It¹s OK for
people to be paid if the centre is to survive. But it needs to be clear.
- When Francesco is not here things go wrong. But there are also new ideas
he doesn¹t agree with.
- We need to study what is going on in the world.
- At the moment, this place is known as a social place. First of all, this
place should be an arts place.
- We need to be clear how decisions are made and who makes them.

Person 12

 - I became frustrated sometimes with the way my work was treated here. I
didn¹t feel I was treated respectfully.
- Decision here is a problem.
- We need to focus on the matter of money. There should be money for
projects. We should look for funding. Sponsorship etc.
- There should be enough money for all the ideas in the place.
- And we need money to provide a better service to the community.
- It¹s the start of a new adventure when this contract runs out on our
building. Maybe a place in the countryside with the help of the region.
There is no space in the town. And, hopefully, people will follow to the new
- I hope that Trans Europe Halles members will help us with the new
- I wouldn¹t like to see the new centre as expanding the accommodation
facilities past what they are now. But I would like to see people come for
other parts of the world to stay in the centre for a while.
- Absolutely volunteers have to be volunteers and not paid. But people are
paying expenses from their won pocket and this is not right. However, in
order to be equals no one should be paid. Otherwise it¹s going to happen
that there will be difficulties.
- This centre is like my home and I really love this place. One day
Buenaventura may die and part of my life will die with it.