SVE 2010 Salisburgo (Volontariato all'estero)
title: Jugendkoordination
location of project: Salzburg (Austria)
start: 01 March 2010
duration: 10 month
number of volunteers: 1 open places for volunteer
The youth coordination point in Salzburg deals with free time youth issues for the city of Salzburg.
please make sure your application contains:
- cv (photo is always a plus)
- motivation letter
- name and contact of your sending organisation
The volunteer will assist the youth coordinator and the coordinator for integreation issues at their work in the city adminisatration.Further details will be published at approval.
specific tasks:
The volunteer will assist the youth coordinator and the coordinator for integreation issues at their work in the city adminisatration. further details you can find on the EVS database:>EID=32000248562
Iviare Cv formato europeo e lettera di motivazione in Inglese a:>IdArticolo=246