6 borse dottorato Goettingen (Lavoro all'estero)
6 doctoral scholarships to be granted, beginning April 1, 2010 for research in the research training group Expert Cultures from the Twelfth to the Sixteenth Centuries
The research training group Expert Cultures from the Twelfth to the Sixteenth Centuries of Göttingen University is concerned with the superimposition of culture by expert knowledge and symbolic forms, as well as the representatives of those expert cultures which moulded and still mould Occidental societies. In the period from c. 1100 to 1600 areas of knowledge were first defined, symbolically represented, allotted and perpetuated by institutions, thus becoming part of the stratified structure of European societies. Research topics within the training group will be on the one hand the social dimensions of expert knowledge and, on the other hand, the symbolic and discursive practices through which knowledge is qualified and embedded into societies. In addition, a critical look at the social status of the experts will be part of the research as well.
The research training group will be led by historians, legal historians and church historians, as well as literary scholars of German, Latin and Romance literature; however, graduates from all historical fields of the humanities are encouraged to apply.
Applicants for the doctoral scholarships (c. 1000 Euro per month) must possess an exceptional degree which qualifies for admittance to doctoral study. In addition, they must submit a proposal for a topic of research appropriate to the research group's fields of attention. The scholarship is for two years with the option of a one-year extension.
In addition to the usual documents, interested applicants should send a written request for acceptance in the research training group programme, enclosing an eight to nine page synopsis of their research proposal.
Scholarship recipients must reside in Göttingen. They will participate in a structured programme which will include a 3-6 month period abroad. Funding for travel expenses and materials, as well as family and child care benefits are provided according to DFG guidelines.
The University particularly welcomes applications from qualified women as a measure of affirmative action in its efforts to increase the number of women in higher positions. Applications from international candidates are also explicitly encouraged. Applications from the disabled will have priority when candidates are otherwise equally suited.
Please submit applications by January 15, 2010 to the spokesman of the research training group:
Prof. Dr. Frank Rexroth
Seminar für Mittlere und Neuere Geschichte
Universität Göttingen
Platz der Göttinger Sieben 5
37073 Göttingen
Further Information:
Mona Knorr, M.A.
Goßlerstraße 15a
37073 Göttingen
Telefon +49 (0)551 / 39-13523
Telefax +49 (0)551 / 39-4632
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