About the closing of ETI - Ente Teatrale Italiano (Altro)

Inviato da Francesco R. @, venerdì, giugno 11, 2010, 14:10 (5313 giorni fa)

Just received this from a friend.
It's a shame!!!

It will be great to have support from this Forum, especially with a written few lines from you about the importance of an “autonomous” and responsible “space” of work...


As you already know the new Italian budget law includes the suppression of ETI.

It is a part of a general political plan regarding culture, education, universities, research.

Under the surface of a economical necessity they have decided to cut off.
Their plan is to cut money or to centralize . This means to avoid again any engagement in a serious structural reforming in the performing arts.

No developing policies ideas.

The Government’s choose shows that they want to cancel any autonomy in favour of a centralization. This is the case of ETI because their plan is to include the ETI’s mission in the Ministry as a Department of it.

We are sure that in this case many obstacles ( on a budget, tools, management, independency, level) will avoid to do a concrete and serious and responsible work as intermediate between the political makers and the performing art civil society.

In the field of the Ministry we cannot have the possibility to develop a dialogue among institutions and professionals, neither to build a programmation between different level of policies.

We are planning a lot of public demonstration and initiatives against this plan, and we are trying to press the Parliament to change the Government will.

We are preparing a big evening on next Wensday at Teatro Valle. It will be great to receive this paper at least on Thusday , so to translate and read to every body or include in a big poster we are preparing.


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