dottorato (Altro)

Inviato da ST, Gent, lunedì, settembre 20, 2010, 11:08 (5276 giorni fa)

Applications are invited for a PhD position at the Centre for Literature and Trauma ( at Ghent University (

The research project on which the PhD candidate will be employed is supervised by prof. dr. Stef Craps. The thesis topic will be decided in consultation with the candidate, but will have to be in the fields of cultural memory studies, trauma studies, Holocaust and genocide studies, and/or postcolonial and transcultural studies, and combine theoretical inquiry with textual analysis. Possible topics include, but are not limited to, transcultural/transnational remembrance, war-on-terror literature, historical trauma in Native American culture, Partition narratives, the child-soldier novel, false testimony, post-testimonial writing, memory narratives and human rights, representations of perpetrators, and trauma and visuality.

Candidates should have:

- a distinction-level Master's degree in literary studies

- an outstanding record of undergraduate and Master's-level work

- research experience in one or more of the relevant fields

- excellent writing and speaking skills in English

Conditions of employment

- The position begins 1 November 2010 or as soon as possible thereafter.

- The applicant will be based at Ghent University, as the project is funded by Ghent University's Special Research Fund (BOF).

- The successful applicant will be appointed for two years. After a positive evaluation, the position will be extended for another two years.

- The net salary will be approximately 1,800 EUR per month, gradually rising to approximately 2,000 EUR per month in the fourth year.

- The applicant will complete the doctoral training programme ( offered by the Doctoral School of Arts, Humanities and Law (

- Applicants must not have been previously employed as academic staff by a Belgian university.

Applications should include:

- a cover letter, in which you specify why you are interested in this position and why you consider yourself a suitable candidate

- a current CV

- transcripts of your qualifications to date (degrees and grade lists)

- a writing sample (chapter of your Master's thesis, article, etc.)

- names and full contact details of two referees

The application deadline is 25 September 2010 or until a suitable candidate is found.

Further information about the position can be obtained from prof. dr. Stef Craps (; tel. ).

Applications should be sent, preferably by email, to:

Prof. dr. Stef Craps

English Department

Ghent University

Rozier 44

9000 Gent


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