PhD ancient philosophy (Altro)

Inviato da bochum, giovedì, settembre 30, 2010, 09:25 (5266 giorni fa)

PhD-Position in Ancient Philosophy=20

Applications are now welcome for a funded Ph.D. position in the =
department at the Ruhr University in Bochum, Germany. Applicants should =
hold a Masters in philosophy or classics (or equivalent) and should be=20=

relatively comfortable working with ancient Greek and/or Latin texts. =
The Ph.D.=20
will be written under the supervision of Prof. James Wilberding and may =
written in German or English. Applications are particularly welcome on =
concerned with Platonism in late antiquity, especially the interaction =
Platonism and the natural sciences (and medicine), though other topics =
will be=20
considered. The applicant need not speak German at the time of =
application, but=20
should be willing to learn some conversational German.=20

The Ph.D. position is a half TVL 13, which amounts to a stipend of =
13,000 Euros per year. (No Ph.D. students pay tuition fees at the Ruhr=20=

University.) This position is now available for 2 years, but there is a=20=

funding available for a third year. The successful applicant will also =
expected to teach a total of one seminar each semester (teaching may be =
English or German).=20

Applications (in English or German) are due by 10th of October 2010 and =

1. A brief letter of application that addresses, among other things,=20
one=92s academic background and research interests.=20
2. A brief proposal for a dissertation project=20
3. A sample of written work of at least 3,000 words.=20
4. Academic transcripts from university study.=20
5. Two confidential letters of recommendation addressing the applicant=92s=
qualifications for doctoral research. These should be sent from the =
directly or from a letter service. All documents of the candidate should =
be send=20
electronically. These may be submitted after the deadline, if =
We regret that we will not be able to return any submitted material.=20
Applications, as well as any questions, should be directed =
*electronically* to=20

Prof. Dr. James Wilberding=20
Institut f=FCr Philosophie II=20
Ruhr-Universit=E4t Bochum=20
Universit=E4tsstr. 150=20
44801 Bochum=20=

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