elearning (Insegnamento Lingua Italiana)

Inviato da gigi2, lunedì, ottobre 11, 2010, 22:42 (5165 giorni fa)

The Italian Language School Giordano Bruno is a cultural association in Florence, Italy. Luigi Napolitano is the director of the School. Giordano Bruno was an Italian philosopher who developed a set of ideas about the right to say what you want and to practise any religion.
The School offers online courses and lessons. There are two kinds of courses: teaching methods and Italian language. You can learn Italian language through cinema, art and literature. The School organizes preparatory courses for the different Italian examinations ( Cils, Celi, It, Plida, Ditals, Cedils, Dils ), promotes cultural events and publishes articles on its website.

Contact the School writing an email to scuola@italianofacile.it


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