PhD (Altro)

Inviato da Neil and Marcus, giovedì, novembre 25, 2010, 13:06 (5210 giorni fa)

PhD Studentships and Fee Waivers in the Faculty of Arts
University of Winchester

These awards are open to candidates who are not already registered for a research degee at Winchester.

The University is a dynamic institution with an ambitious research agenda. As one of the UK’s smallest and most innovative universities, we offer a stimulating research environment and rigorous research training compulsory for all students, combined with the intimacy and personal interaction only a small institution can afford. We have established strengths in a range of subject areas.

The Faculty of Arts offers a strong research student community, with students working from different disciplinary perspectives. A programme of research seminars and postgraduate research events runs throughout the academic year. In addition, research supervisors and students are involved in organising and hosting national and international symposia and conferences.

Candidates should have, or expect to obtain, a first class or upper second class degree and a Masters degree in a relevant subject area.

PhD Studentships in the area of Communication, Cultural and Media Studies

The University of Winchester has funding to support PhD studentships for one year from February 2011, in the area of Communication, Cultural and Media Studies.

Candidature will be full time and funding will cover stipend towards living expenses, research expenses and fee waiver for one year only in the first instance.

Communication, Cultural and Media Studies at Winchester performed excellently in RAE 2008. The quality profile from the submission indicated that 85 per cent of work submitted was deemed to be of a quality recognised internationally and above. Staff working in this area form a Research Centre of the same name, with research strengths in contemporary constructions of identities; film; literary and cultural history; visual and material culture; popular culture and cultural theory, and new media.

Applications are invited to research one of the following topics:

* Gender and political activism in American literary naturalism – please contact Jude Davies for further details (
* The literature of disability (a focus on eighteenth-century literature and culture preferred) – please contact Chris Mounsey for further details (
* Crime, detection and national identity in nineteenth or twentieth-century literature and culture – please contact Neil McCaw for further details (
* The cultures associated with new media and social networking sites and their significance for consumers and producers – please contact Marcus Leaning for further details (
* Transnational narratives of identity in relation to the culture of the museum (in institutional, architectural, literary or visual terms) – please contact Carol Smith for further details (

For an application form and further details about the candidature, please email

Closing date for applications: 3 December 2010

Interviews will be held on Tuesday 14 December.

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