European studies (Altro)

Inviato da Dublin, lunedì, marzo 07, 2011, 10:24 (5111 giorni fa)

Applications are invited for a three-year PhD studentship in the field of European Studies in the School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies at Trinity College Dublin. European Studies is represented in Trinity College through undergraduate (BA) and postgraduate (MPhil) degree programmes which are wide-ranging and multidisciplinary, addressing the history, cultures, languages and politics of European nations. The Centre for European Studies ( is in the process of building a stronger research profile, with the establishment of a research centre as a key component of this development. The creation of a PhD studentship is one part of this process, and will allow the successful candidate the opportunity to conduct research on an aspect of European cultural history (understood broadly) from an inter-disciplinary perspective.

Comparative (and/or transnational) approaches and cross-disciplinary projects are particularly welcome. Preference may be given to candidates focusing on Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe in modern times (19th and 20th century) and addressing one of the following topics: rituals, cults and nation-building in modern political regimes; symbolic politics and propaganda in Communist systems; the construction, transmission and popular perception of myths and ideologies; the Sovietisation process in Eastern Europe after the Second World War. However, any application that comes under the remit of European Studies will be considered, provided that the Centre for European Studies has the expertise to supervise the topic.

The studentship covers full EU or non-EU fees and annual maintenance of €8,000 for 3 years.

Admissions Criteria

Applicants will be expected to have a first or upper second class honours undergraduate degree in the relevant field, and preferably also a Masters degree (completed or near completion). Applicants should also have advanced knowledge of a European language other than English. To be eligible for the studentship a candidate must also meet certain academic criteria as outlined on the website of the TCD Graduate Studies Office:

Candidates should submit a research proposal of around 2,000 words as part of their application. The proposal should contain the following components:

1. Title and short description of research project.
2. Description of the project. This should include a brief outline of how the applicant sees his/her project developing from year to year.
3. Details should be provided on the aims, the scope and objectives, the reasons for and background of the project, the key questions and proposed outcomes.
4. Location of the proposed project within the current state of research with reference to the literature. A short bibliography should also be included. Relative significance of the contribution that the proposed project will make to the area
5. Hypotheses/theories and methodology. Indicate the discipline(s) to which the project relates.
6. A description of the empirical component and sources.

Applications should be submitted online through the Postgraduate Application System (PAC). Details about the application procedure can be found at the website of the Graduate Studies Office:

Please be sure to upload all the required documents (2 academic references; academic certificate/transcript; English language certificate (where required), CV, research proposal). Applicants whose native language is not English may also be asked for examples of recent written work.

At the same time, please send your CV and research proposal directly to Dr Balázs Apor ( at the Centre for European Studies. If you would like to discuss the studentship before applying, please contact Dr Balázs Apor, or the Director of the Centre for European Studies, Dr Justin Doherty ( Applicants are advised to discuss their research proposal before submitting their application.

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