PhD italian studies (Altro)

Inviato da Reading, mercoledì, marzo 09, 2011, 13:30 (5109 giorni fa)

he University of Reading is pleased to invite applications for a fully-funded three-year Doctoral Studentship, fully funded by the AHRC (UK/EU rate), to commence 1st October 2011.

The successful applicant will form part of an established, interdisciplinary project team working on Italian Academies, led by Professor Jane Everson and including scholars from the British Library, the Universities of Reading and Royal Holloway, London.

It is expected that the PhD candidate will work with materials relating to academies in one or more of the centres selected for the project: Venice, Verona, Mantua, Ferrara, Rome, Sicily and cities of southern Italy. The initial research for the PhD will contribute to the creation of the database that forms the basis for the current project (; training relevant to the database will be available at the British Library.

The successful candidate will pursue independent doctoral research throughout the studentship on a subject of their choice connected to the project, information about which is available on the website.

The PhD may engage with, but will not be limited to, identified research topics of the project, which include: the relationship between academies and other cultural or political institutions; the role of women, of illustrators and printers, or of foreigners in academies; the ways in which intellectual networks were maintained; the impact of censorship; the Academies' means of cultural self-representation; the role of theatre and spectacle in academic culture.

Supervision will be based at the Department of Modern Languages and European Studies, University of Reading, which has one of the largest and most prestigious centres of Italian Studies in the country with an outstanding record in teaching and research.

Applications are invited from candidates holding an MA or equivalent in an appropriate subject area, with a native or near native command of Italian, and experience of studying Early Modern culture.

Further information on the studentship and on the application procedure is available from the website:

For further information on the project and regarding the application, please email Dr Lisa Sampson (

Deadline for applications: 21 April 2011

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