Visiting Sttudent (Altro)

Inviato da Madda, martedì, luglio 05, 2011, 13:04 (4993 giorni fa) @ Madda

The Department of English and Related Literature welcomes applications from overseas undergraduate students wishing to spend a year, two terms or a single term at York. Every application is carefully considered by Emilie Morin, the Department's Co-ordinator for Overseas Students, who will be looking for evidence of ability, commitment and interest in the study of literature. We take notice of academic references and like them to be detailed. And we ask applicants to send us with their application a literary critical essay of about 1500 words - the one you are happiest with from among those written for your home university.

Applications should normally be submitted by 30 June for admission in October, or by 31 October for admission in January. For specific queries on undergraduate study you can contact the Department's Co-ordinator for Overseas Students by email at or by fax at +44 1904-433 372.

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