Borse dottorato (Altro)

Inviato da dt, martedì, novembre 01, 2011, 08:28 (4879 giorni fa)

We offer 2 Ph.D. studentships associated to 2 research projects funded
by the Spanish Ministry of Science. The studentship provides a net
monthly salary of around 1100 EUR during four years, plus health
insurance and unemployment benefits.

The candidate affiliated to the research project "Inferentialism as
social epistemology" will work under the supervision of Jesus Zamora
(UNED) and Julian Reiss (Erasmus University)

The candidate affiliated to the research project "Biases in experiments
with humans in the social and biomedical sciences" will work under the
supervision of David Teira (UNED) and Francesco Guala (U. Milan)

Applicants should hold a Masters degree or equivalent in Philosophy or a
scientific discipline by September 2012, when the candidate is expected
to start.

For further information about the research projects and the application
process, please visit>_pageid=93,25105761&_dad=portal&_schema=PO...

Our internal deadline for application is December 1st. Send all
inquiries to David Teira (

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