SVe repubblica ceca (Volontariato all'estero)

Inviato da FFerr, martedì, dicembre 06, 2011, 11:05 (4844 giorni fa)

Host Organization: Centre for leisure time activities Ivancice

Location: Ivančice

Start: 01/10/2012

End: 30/09/2013

Deadline: 31/03/2012

Project environment:

Stredisko volneho casu Ivancice as a centre for leisure time activities has three buildings. Two of them are situated in the centre of the town Ivančice. In these two buildings there are offices for workers, clubrooms, special rooms for ceramics, creative activities, exercise, actions, infants, etc. The third building is in the suburbs (about 1 kilometre from the centre) Here is located Youth Club, Youth Information Centre and Media Studio.
More information on

• learn to work in a team of workers and youth
• learn different working methods on the field of the pedagogical and social work
• communicate and change experience with volunteers and workers from our organization
• recognize the Czech language, culture and way of living
• get to know the own skills, strengths and facilities
• acquire autonomy and individual responsibility
• get the ability to reflect own behaviour and those of other people
• cope with new challenges
• create complex programmes of preparation and realization of leisure time activities

The personal support will be provided by mentor, the working support will be provided by internal worker of SVC Ivancice, the language support will be provided by Czech teacher and the support in administrative matters will be provided by internal worker of SVC Ivancice.
Accomodation will be ensured in private or in a flat together with other volunteers. Lunches will be guarantte by school dining room, other courses by individually.


• working hours of the volunteer will be flexible; he/she will work about 30-35 hours per week, two consecutive days off per week, two days off per month

Volunteer profiles and recruitment process:

Volunteer profile: We expect a comparably independent, creative and adaptable young person, able to work in a team. He/she must be willing to educate him/herself and to actively contribute to the activities of SVC Ivancice.

Volunteer assessment: We will chose among the volunteers according to their motivation letters that the profile and interests of the volunteer could comply with our project needs. The main activities of SVC Ivancice are targeted the work with children and youth, so the advantage for the volunteer can be some experience with a such work.

Special knowledge and abilities: Working with children and young people necessitates volunteer’s ability to communicate patiently, his/her positive attitude to children and youth, and his/her social abilities such as open-mindedness, empathy, tolerance and cooperation.

Per invio candidatura (CV con foto e lettera di motivazione, tutto in inglese) scrivere a:

Francesca Ferreri:

Specificare il PROFILO (1,2 oppure 3) per il quale ci si candida.

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