progetti sve per toscani (Volontariato all'estero)
Si cercano volontari per un progetto che si svolgerà dal 01/11/2012 al 31/10/2013
Breve descrizione del progetto: the Kinderhaus am Buchberg provides in the frame of stationary care for children and young people assistance for social integration, aid for school enrolment and personal guidance. The organisation take care of young people with social and psychological as well as emotional and cognitive disorders.
The team of teachers is supported by qualified pedagogical staff in musical, sportive and creative working groups.
European Volunteers are expected to keep the rules of our work with young people:
- acceptance of young people in their particular personality
- ability to cope with strain by challenging behaviour
- full cooperation with staff members
- loyal and responsible acting according to the particular objective of our work
- to be motivated to develop future prospects for children and young people
- to be courageous to act creative and flexible
Inviare CV e lettera di motivazione in inglese entro il 31/03/2012
Per informazioni e altri progetti
Cooperativa Alambicchi S.C.S onlus
Via IV Novembre 17 - 59100 Prato
e-mail referente SVE:
telefono 0574/611299