8 mesi alla NUI di Galway: consiglio! (Insegnamento Lingua Italiana)

Inviato da Madda, mercoledì, aprile 23, 2014, 10:09 (3866 giorni fa) @ manublu

dai un#occhiata a questo
Proudfoot, A., and F. Cardo, Modern Italian Grammar: A Practical Guide (London: Routledge, 2005 , 2nd Edition)

ti copio anche i consigli di Cambridge:

The ab-initio language course textbooks are:

Soluzioni, A practical Grammar of Contemporary Italian, De Rome, D., Hodder Education, 2nd edition, 2010
Attiva il Lessico, livello 1 & 2 (A2/B1 & B1/B2), Le Monnier, 2013

English Grammar for Students of Italian , Primorac, K. and Adorni, S., 2011,Olivia & Hill Press, 3rd edition. This is a particularly helpful reference book that can help in dealing with the grammatical and syntactical terminology involved in the teaching of language at Cambridge.
For further practice, have a look at the exercises available on http://www.oliviahill.com/pdf/italian/ItalianReviewBooklet.pdf.
Gramm.it, Italian grammar for English speakers, Gruppo CSC, Bonacci Editore, 2010. This is a comprehensive basic grammar of Italian, with a variety of exercises and activities that will also be useful for further practice during the academic year.
Any title of your choice from Italiano facile, primo livello (principianti), Alma Edizioni, www.almaedizioni.it/it/catalogo/progetti/ADULTI/LET/. You are welcome to start enjoying reading and listening to Italian with any of the titles on the list. The stories use about 500 words of vocabulary and are a great introduction to the pronunciation and intonation of the language, as well as some basic vocabulary and structures.
Almost any of the commercially available language courses (intended for tourists or business in the first instance) on CD, audiobook or ebook, are helpful to get a good idea of the sounds and structures of Italian. Special mention may be made of BBC Talk Italian, but please feel free and explore what option is most suitable for you.


During your study of Italian at Cambridge you will rely on the use of good language dictionaries. Below is a list of recommended titles:

Collins-Sansoni Italian Dictionary
Il Grande Dizionario Garzanti inglese 2003 + CD ROM Oxford-Paravia Italian Dictionary ed. by C. Bareggi, Oxford University Press, 2001
Oxford-Paravia Italian Dictionary, ed. by Cristina Bareggi, Oxford University Press, 2001

Monolingual (not likely to be needed until your second year)

Devoto G.-Oli C., Il Dizionario della lingua italiana, a cura di L. Serianni e M. Trifone, Firenze, Le Monnier, ed. 2004-2005 (con CD-Rom)
Giacomo Devoto e Gian Carlo Oli, Nuovo Devoto Oli Compatto. Dizionario fondamentale della lingua italiana, Firenze, Le Monnier 2002
Italiano compatto. Dizionario della lingua italiana, a cura di A. Cattana e M. T. Nesci Milano, Zanichelli 2003
Lo Zingarelli minore. Dizionario della lingua italiana, a cura di M. Cannella, Milano, Zanichelli 2001
T. De Mauro, Il dizionario di italiano compatto, Paravia, 2004

Web resources
Online dictionaries

Garzanti www.garzanti.it
www.garzantilinguistica.it/ You need to register to use this one
www.hoepli.it/ Click on the grey banner Grande Dizionario di inglese and register

Web resources for language work

BBC Italian www.bbc.co.uk/languages/italian/index.shtml. Although not updated, it is still very rich in helpful material.
Cyber Italian www.cyberitalian.com/
Italian Language Update School Service www.iluss.it/
Scuola d'Italiano di Roma www.scudit.net/mdindice.htm
Oggi e Domani www.oggi-domani.com/site/tableofcontent.htm
University of Calgary fis.ucalgary.ca/alle/SideMenu-it.html
In Italia www.initalia.rai.it. A language course dedicated to foreigners living in Italy.

Web resources of general interest

www.rai.it Italian TV
www.la7.it Italian TV
www.radio.rai.it/ Italian radio
La Repubblica
Corriere della Sera
La Stampa
www.italia.it Italian places of interest

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