PhD positions in the Class of Literature / LMU Munich (Altro)

Inviato da Fabienne Imlinger ⌂ @, Munich, venerdì, maggio 05, 2023, 18:20 (694 giorni fa)

The Class of Literature is a PhD Program supported by all faculties involved in literary studies at LMU Munich. It offers a systematically structured curriculum with an emphasis on academic research, covering new ground both in terms of organisation and of professional specialisation.

We are currently offering
• regular non-funded PhD-positions within the Class of Literature.
The deadline for application is June 15, 2023.

Applications are invited from highly qualified graduate students with experience in their field of work. International applications are welcome.

Application Requirements:
University degree graded above average (Master of Arts "with thesis", Magister Artium, diploma etc. in one of the subjects related to the program).
A solid knowledge of German (at least level B2) is also an application requirement for the PhD Program.

Applicants will be selected on the basis of their application documents. Final acceptance of pre-selected applicants takes place after an academic discussion with a selection panel.
Selection criteria are the quality and the realistic planning of the dissertation project, the willingness and ability to work on interdisciplinary, theoretical and methodological problems, co-operative and communicative skills, as well as academic qualifications.

For further information, visit our website:

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