project coordinator Manchester (Insegnamento Lingua Italiana)

Inviato da Lynn, martedì, ottobre 21, 2008, 14:55 (5963 giorni fa)

The COLT project is a consortium of universities in the North West which is seeking to promote Community and Lesser Taught Languages (including Urdu, Italian, Mandarin Chinese and Arabic) in the region as part of the HEFCE- and DCSF-funded Routes into Languages Programme.

We are looking for a dynamic and enthusiastic project manager with excellent English, interpersonal, networking and organisational skills to coordinate the various aspects of the project. The role will involve close liaison with partner institutions and organisations including schools from the mainstream and supplementary sectors to run a series of language enrichment events, teacher training courses, language courses in schools and other activities. The post holder will be responsible for coordinating a project team, including an administrator, language tutors and student ambassadors from partner institutions working on the project. The post holder will also maintain links with appropriate bodies within the North West region and nationally, as well as building new networks to underpin the project.

For informal queries about the post contact Lynn Ashby (

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