Dottorato e post-doc borse linguistica/ filosofia (Lavoro all'estero)

Inviato da Balcerak, Koln, venerdì, dicembre 03, 2010, 11:38 (5104 giorni fa)

The Emmy Noether Research Group "Understanding and the A Prior=
i"Philosophy Department University of Cologne, Germany is seeking to fill a Research Fellow position at one of the following two =
levels Post-Doctoral Research (full-time, 12 months, =
salary level 100% TV-L E13)Doctoral Research Fellow</b=

(half-time, 24 months, salary level 50% TV-L E13)The position =

starts on 1 March, 2011</b> or as soon as possible thereafter. The duties o=
f the position include participation in the research activities of the proj=
ect of the Emmy Noether Group "Understanding and the A Priori," presentatio=
n and publication of research results, participation in the organization of=
workshops and conferences, and assistance with the day-to-day administrati=
on of the project. The working language of the research group is English.Further information about the research group can be found here:"> App=
licants should meet the following criteria at the time of employment: A com=
pleted university education with outstanding qualifications in philosophy (=
Doctoral Research Fellow), or a completed doctoral degree in philosophy wit=
h outstanding qualifications (Post-Doctoral Research Fellow); fluency in sp=
oken and written English; a solid grasp of the foundations and methods of a=
nalytic philosophy; a promising research project; and good organizational s=
kills. We are seeking candidates with research strengths in the following a=
reas: &nbsp;epistemology, &nbsp;philosophy of language, philosophy of mind =
and/or metaphysics. Competence in linguistics, psychology and/or cognitive =
science is also welcome.Applications from women and people with dis=
abilities are especially encouraged. Applications from women and people wit=
h disabilities will be favored over other applications with equivalent qual=
ifications, abilities and professional achievements, unless outweighed by f=
urther individual considerations.To apply, submit the following mat=
erials: a cover letter stating your research interests and plans (Post-Doct=
oral Fellow) or your dissertation plan (Doctoral Research Fellow); a curric=
ulum vitae; degree certificates; a sample of written work in philosophy (e.=
g. a dissertation chapter, published or unpublished article, etc.); and at =
least 2 letters of reference. All materials should be submitted in English,=
except for letters of reference, which can be submitted in English or Germ=
an. Letters of reference can be sent independently. The deadline for app=
lications is Friday, 28 January 2011. All application materials =
should be sent to: Dr. Magdalena Balcerak Jackson, Emmy Noether Re=
search Group Philosophy Department University of Cologne Richard-S
trauss-Strasse. Further information contact Dr. Balcerak Jackson at">

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