Just to make things clearer, here are some instructions for all participants on how to use the mailing list and how to find the mailing list archive.
- The mailing list archives can be found via the website for each group: http://dantealighieri.net/buenaventura/teh_meeting/WorkingGroupA (or ending with B, C, D or E depending on what working group you are in). The link to the archive is also stated in the bottom lines on each email sent within the mailing list. In the bottom of each email you can also find the password for the archive which is login: teh password: teh The email archives are common for all working groups so everyone subscribed to any of the mailing lists can reach all the archives.
- I have the responsibility to subscribe new members to the mailing list. I do this as soon as I receive the confirmation sheet of anyone who will attend the meeting. When I add a new member I send an email to that working group to let them know that a new person has joined. I also inform the new member that they need to check the mailing list archive to update themselves about what has been said before they joined the group. Whenever you want an updated list of who is in your group, just go to the website, where the information is always fresh and updated.
- Please note that when you reply to the mailing list the reply goes to everyone on the mailing list. Please use the mailing list and don't just copy and paste eachother's email-addresses, as the mailing list archive will be a great instrument for us to use when writing the report from the meeting and for many other future purposes. If you need anyone's single email, just ask me. We do not want to put your emails on the website because of the risk of spam.
- To be kind to your group leader, please drop a few lines to the mailing list as soon as you receive an email to let everyone know that you are alive and active.
Please do not hesitate to contact me on emma@buenaventura.it if you have any further questions.