Inviato da Gianna @, sydney, venerdì, dicembre 21, 2007, 05:11 (6063 giorni fa) @ Mary

Sarei interessatissima a questa oppurtunita'. Ti invio il mio CV.

Telephone 040 4420341
E-mail coccinella31@hotmail.com gianna.sottanelli@studio.unibo.it

Nationality Italian

Date of birth 31-01-1979


• Dates (from – to) 17-09-2007 12-11-2007
• Type of business or sector TESOL
• Occupation or position held STUDENT
• Main activities and responsibilities TEACHER TRAINING
• Dates (from – to) 2006-2007
• Name and address of employer ‘’ La Giara ‘’, Italian Forum, Leichhardt Sydney
• Type of business or sector Restaurant
• Occupation or position held Part-time
• Main activities and responsibilities barkeeper-waitress
• Dates (from – to) 2005-2006
• Name and address of employer Santucci Elena, via S. Isaia 57, Bologna, Italy
• Type of business or sector Education
• Occupation or position held Part-time
• Main activities and responsibilities Mathematics teacher
• Dates (from – to) 2003-2005
• Name and address of employer Coffee Bar ‘’ Piccole Dolcezze ‘’, via S. Felice 27, Bologna, Italy
• Type of business or sector Bar
• Occupation or position held Part- time
• Main activities and responsibilities barkeeper-waitress
• Dates (from – to) 2000-2002
• Name and address of employer Call Center “ Net Ricerche “ , via Aleandro Alberti 76, Bologna, Italy
• Type of business or sector Market Research
• Occupation or position held Full time
• Main activities and responsibilities Interviewer new graduates about their working activity
• Dates (from – to) 1994-1998
• Name and address of employer “ La cascina “, via Nazario Sauro 38, Teramo, Italy
• Type of business or sector Restaurant
• Occupation or position held Full time only summer period
• Main activities and responsibilities barkeeper-waitress


• Dates (from – to) 17-09-2007 09-11-2007
• Name and type of organisation providing education and training I.H. INTERNATIONAL HOUSE SYDNEY TEACHER TRAINING AND PROFESSIONAL CENTRE
• Principal subjects/occupational
skills covered Skills for teaching English to adults

• Title of qualification awarded Certificate IV in Tesol (Teaching English to Speaker of Other Languages)
• Level in national classification
(if appropriate) Certificate IV accredited by VETAB(NSW Government Vocational Educational and Training Accreditation Board)

• Dates (from – to) 14/07/2007
• Name and type of organisation providing education and training University of Technology Sydney,UTS
• Principal subjects/occupational
skills covered IELTS

• Title of qualification awarded Overall band score : 6
• Level in national classification
(if appropriate)

• Dates (from – to) 14/07/2007
• Name and type of organisation providing education and training University of Technology Sydney,UTS
• Principal subjects/occupational
skills covered IELTS

• Title of qualification awarded Overall band score : 6
• Level in national classification
(if appropriate)

• Dates (from – to) 14/07/2007
• Name and type of organisation providing education and training University of Technology Sydney,UTS
• Principal subjects/occupational
skills covered IELTS

• Title of qualification awarded Overall band score : 6
• Level in national classification
(if appropriate)

• Dates (from – to) 14/07/2007
• Name and type of organisation providing education and training University of Technology Sydney,UTS
• Principal subjects/occupational
skills covered IELTS

• Title of qualification awarded Overall band score : 6
• Level in national classification
(if appropriate)

• Dates (from – to) 14/07/2007
• Name and type of organisation providing education and training University of Technology Sydney,UTS
• Principal subjects/occupational
skills covered IELTS

• Title of qualification awarded Overall band score : 6
• Level in national classification
(if appropriate)

• Dates (from – to) 14/07/2007
• Name and type of organisation providing education and training University of Technology Sydney,UTS
• Principal subjects/occupational
skills covered IELTS

• Title of qualification awarded Overall band score : 6
• Level in national classification
(if appropriate)

• Dates (from – to) 14/07/2007
• Name and type of organisation providing education and training University of Technology Sydney,UTS
• Principal subjects/occupational
skills covered IELTS

• Title of qualification awarded Overall band score : 6
• Level in national classification
(if appropriate)

• Dates (from – to) 14/07/2007
• Name and type of organisation providing education and training University of Technology Sydney,UTS
• Principal subjects/occupational
skills covered IELTS

• Title of qualification awarded Overall band score : 6
• Level in national classification
(if appropriate)

• Dates (from – to) 14/07/2007
• Name and type of organisation providing education and training University of Technology Sydney,UTS
• Principal subjects/occupational
skills covered IELTS

• Title of qualification awarded Overall band score : 6
• Level in national classification
(if appropriate)

• Dates (from – to) 14/07/2007
• Name and type of organisation providing education and training University of Technology Sydney,UTS
• Principal subjects/occupational
skills covered IELTS

• Title of qualification awarded Overall band score : 6
• Level in national classification
(if appropriate)

• Dates (from – to) 14/07/2007
• Name and type of organisation providing education and training University of Technology Sydney,UTS
• Principal subjects/occupational
skills covered IELTS

• Title of qualification awarded Overall band score : 6
• Level in national classification
(if appropriate)

• Dates (from – to) 14/07/2007
• Name and type of organisation providing education and training University of Technology Sydney,UTS
• Principal subjects/occupational
skills covered IELTS

• Title of qualification awarded Overall band score : 6
• Level in national classification
(if appropriate)

• Dates (from – to) 22-10-2006 13-10-2006
• Name and type of organisation providing education and training ACE “ Australian College of English “
• Principal subjects/occupational
skills covered English General Course
IELTS Fast Track
• Title of qualification awarded
• Level in national classification
(if appropriate)

• Dates (from – to) 10-10-2005 26-02-2006
• Name and type of organisation providing education and training Cilta “ Centro Interfacoltà di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata “ L.Heilmann
• Principal subjects/occupational
skills covered English
• Title of qualification awarded English Certicate
• Level in national classification
(if appropriate) Level D, Common European Framework
• Dates (from – to) 1-03-2006 26-06-2006
• Name and type of organisation providing education and training Cilta “ Centro Interfacoltà di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata “ L.Heilmann
• Principal subjects/occupational
skills covered Spanich

• Title of qualification awarded Spanich Certificate
• Level in national classification
(if appropriate) Level A, Common European Framework

• Dates (from – to) 1998-2006
• Name and type of organisation providing education and training Alma Mater Studiorum BolognaUniversity: Faculty of Mathematics Numerical Application Address
• Title of qualification awarded Degree
• Level in national classification
(if appropriate) 102/110
• Dates (from – to) 2004-2005
• Name and type of organisation providing education and training British Instutes in Bologna
• Principal subjects/occupational
skills covered English

• Title of qualification awarded English Certificate Level A2 Waystage
• Level in national classification
(if appropriate) 24-30 24-30

• Dates (from – to) 2003-2004
• Name and type of organisation providing education and training British Instutes in Bologna
• Principal subjects/occupational
skills covered English
• Title of qualification awarded English Certificate Level A1 Breakthrought
• Level in national classification
(if appropriate) 24-30 24-30

• Dates (from – to) 1993-1998
• Name and type of organisation providing education and training High school Scientific '' Albert Einstein " experimental of computer science
• Principal subjects/occupational
skills covered Mathematics, Basic Computer Science, Physics, French.
• Title of qualification awarded School Leaving Certificate
• Level in national classification
(if appropriate) 43/60

Acquired in the course of life and career
but not necessarily covered by formal
certificates and diplomas.



• Reading skills GOOD
• Writing skills GOOD
• Verbal skills GOOD

• Reading skills GOOD
• Writing skills GOOD
• Verbal skills GOOD

• Reading skills ELEMENTARY
• Writing skills ELEMENTARY
• Verbal skills ELEMENTARY

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